Just Good Teaching Webinars
Just Good Teaching is pleased to bring you webinars for leaders and teachers, especially educators of language learners.

Wednesday August 3rd, 2022
9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Eastern Daylight Time
120 Minutes | $49
Dual Language Immersion 101 is a live webinar that will guide you to design a top-notch dual language program that is grounded in research, and adapted to your student population. Marie will show you how the answers to four questions will help you articulate a program that is well-suited to your students’ strengths. You will find out how to commit for the long-term. You will understand how to honor the biliteracy promise, whether it be through sequential biliteracy or simultaneous biliteracy. Finally, you will identify and observe how to schedule the literacy components that will build your biliteracy backbone. This webinar bridges theory and practice to lay a solid foundation for your dual language students.

Friday August 5th, 2022
9:30 AM to 11:30AM
Eastern Daylight Time
120 Minutes | $49
Strategy-Based Teaching for Leaders is a live webinar specifically designed for teachers. Imagine showing students not only what to do, but also how. You’ll notice more immediate and successful implementation of skills when students are shown specific steps in applying a standard.
Set the tone for what needs to be the most efficient instructional year by learning about Strategy-Based Teaching.
Learn how to:
- Identify hidden skills
- Match skills with strategies
- Plan strategically

Wednesday August 10th, 2022
9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Eastern Daylight Time
120 Minutes | $49
After Strategy-Based Teaching to create concrete content objectives, Productive Language Goals takes teachers to the next level by showing them how to extract productive language goals: vocabulary and sentence structures that match the strategy taught by the teacher. Teachers will learn to generate productive language goals, offer linguistic scaffolds and hold students accountable. They’ll walk away with lots of strategies to foster, model and strengthen social and academic language goals.
Learn how to:
- Generate productive language goals
- Offer linguistic scaffolds
- Hold students accountable

Check out our blog, Just Good Teaching, to receive the latest tips.

Friday August 12th, 2022
9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Eastern Daylight Time
120 Minutes | $49
With this live webinar, teachers and administrators will understand how the Data-Driven Workshop impacts language learners. Through practical videos, participants will learn the specific format of the Data-Driven Workshop. Then, Marie will show you how to design instruction to mirror the model. She will take you step-by-step through her simple monitoring system. Finally, you’ll find out how to capitalize on flexible groupings to promote equity.