¿De dónde eres?
"Where are you from? I've always had a hard time answering this question". The protagonist of this book has lived in many places. Her nomadic life has made her confused on many occasions, especially when she wondered about her roots. However, she will eventually realize that each place has given her something to shape her character and her life. By the end of the book, this girl, now a woman, knows how to answer this question.
"¿De dónde eres? Siempre me ha costado responder esta pregunta". La protagonista de este libro ha vivido en muchos lugares. Su vida nómada le ha hecho estar confundida en muchas ocasiones, sobre todo cuando se preguntaba por sus raíces. Sin embargo, con el tiempo se dará cuenta de que cada lugar le ha aportado algo para formar su carácter y su vida. Al final del libro, esta niña, ya mujer, sabe responder esta pregunta.