October 20, 2022 | Marie Bouteillon
Courage and Perseverance
A school requested books that teach students how to persevere… in kindergarten. They were most interested in teaching students how learning requires hard work, concentration and sometimes the willingness to take risks.
I used to take for granted that these habits of mind would develop over time, but with the birth of our child I realized that books could be a fantastic vehicle to share the executive functioning skills that relate to this virtue. We have many books on perseverance for both the lower grades and the upper grades. This list was specifically tailored for the little ones.
I looked for Spanish read alouds that touched upon those themes while also featuring diverse characters and many authentic texts. I found seven titles. The seven titles talk about perseverance in many ways: in learning to swim, in reading, in jumping from super high, in presenting, in learning to fly. The titles will help students understand that persevering happens in all sorts of ways and when faced with many different situations. For our courage titles, we chose to focus on the ones that talk about finding the courage within ourselves to overcome small everyday challenges.
Please feel free to email us for a customized quote at sales@hexagrammbooks.com.
Marie Bouteillon, Lead Curator