November 10, 2022 | Marie Bouteillon
‘Tis the Season to Be Grateful
When stores begin staging their Christmas decorations, you know it’s time to start having conversations about being grateful!
At this time of the year, my daughter and I participate in the Season of Giving in Decatur. Individuals and families sign up to purchase items for kids in need. We won’t meet the child, but we’ve gotten to know a lot about them: their interests, their clothing sizes, their reading level, their needs and wants for Christmas, their favorite colors, characters and series they enjoy...
Together, my daughter and I compile items to give to them. If a child needs a winter coat, that must be our top priority. It’s an excellent opportunity to discuss how our basic needs, such as clothing, are met.
There are so many reasons to be grateful for, and they don’t all involve something materialistic. We can be fortunate to have a roof over our head, warmth in our homes, love from our family, food on the table. We can be lucky to be together, to be seen and appreciated, to have friends. I handpicked a few French titles to help children become aware of their fortitude. These books will make great additions to both the classroom and wonderful books to read at home.
We wish you lots of meaningful conversations this season, - Diego and Marie
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