Our new packaging and the designer behind it!

"I know the teachers will smile when they open up their colorful, happy packages!” said Shannon Meyer, operations manager for Hexagramm Books, upon seeing the final look of our new custom tissue paper and branded sticker. And that is the exact response we hope to get when customers unpack their orders: joy. For educators, a fresh order of classroom books is like Christmas after all, and we want to deliver on that to the fullest.
From the beginning Hexagramm has been about easing the burden from classroom teachers and program leaders by helping them curate and secure amazing collections of books, which is no small undertaking. Our message has always been about shouldering the workload and being advocates for our educators because we know just how much they do.

This theme of positivity has become the backbone of our brand, and our company’s culture. When designer and artist, Aly Zain, stepped onto the Hexagramm team in 2017, she took the brand and ran with it. Hear a little from Aly below!

Aly Zain is a full-time mom and artist based in Minneapolis. She is a huge fan of children's book illustration and hopes to one day illustrate one herself. Her work with Hexagramm gives her creativity a purposeful place to flourish, and ensures her reading list will never dry up!
-Rob Celic, Hexagramm Books CEO
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