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2nd Grade Full Set
2nd Grade Full Set

Spanish Read Alouds - 2nd Grade

2nd Grade Full Set

$ 1,121.00

Quantity of Titles Per Set (60)

Titles may change based on availability.

Titles from the Collection

Celia: La niña que cantaba con las manos
Celia: La niña que cantaba con las manos

Celia: La niña que cantaba con las manos

$ 22.50

Celia is like other girls her age: she’s happy, she likes to have friends, and loves to learn and get to know new places. However, she has something special: she knows how to talk with her hands and listen with her eyes, because her ears don’t work, she’s hearing impaired. The story is told through the letters that the girl writes to her mother while she acclimates to a new life in Chile.

Celia es como las demás niñas de su edad: es alegre, le gusta tener amigos, le encanta aprender y conocer nuevos lugares. Sin embargo, tiene algo especial: sabe hablar con las manos y escuchar con los ojos, porque sus oídos no funcionan, es sorda. La historia se cuenta a través de las cartas que la niña escribe a su madre mientras se aclimata a una nueva vida en Chile.


Última parada de la Calle Market
Última parada de la Calle Market

Última parada de la Calle Market

$ 17.75

Every Sunday after church, CJ and his grandma ride the bus across town. But today, CJ wonders why they don't own a car like his friend Colby. Why doesn't he have an iPod like the boys on the bus? How come they always have to get off in the dirty part of town? Each question is met with an encouraging answer from grandma, who helps him see the beauty and fun in their routine and the world around them.

Niños de América
Niños de América

Niños de América

$ 11.50

Carmen, Marcelino, Lupita, and Martín live in different countries of Latin America. Through verses and illustrations, they hold us by the hand and invite us to be a part of their experiences, dreams, and yearnings.

La jaula
La jaula

La jaula

$ 17.00

Cages are perhaps among the most detestable objects invented by humans. Nil finds one in his house and seeks at all costs to have a pet that lives there. Despite the refusal of his parents, Nil gets a hamster, and the story takes an inevitable and surprising path.

¡Esta casa es mía!
¡Esta casa es mía!
¡Esta casa es mía!
¡Esta casa es mía!

¡Esta casa es mía!

$ 11.50

Paula and Beto live in an apartment with their parents, but they long to spend time outside the city. Sometimes their parents take them to a beach that is almost deserted, where they are very happy. One day their father tells them that he has decided to buy some land near the beach and build a house there. Their dream seems to finally come true, but they don’t know that in that magical place they will not be the only inhabitants.

El mapa de los buenos momentos
El mapa de los buenos momentos

El mapa de los buenos momentos

$ 22.25

There are places that remind us of happy moments. Zoe, a little girl who has to flee from her city with her family because of a war, remembers them before she leaves. She uses them to draw a “map of good memories,” knowing that they will always be with her.

Curation in Action

How Marie sees it:

- Addressing vulnerability

- Sharing feelings is important 

Toothbrush product

- Nobody is alone

- Your feelings are normal

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